Paperwork can seriously dent your enthusiasm for a commercial or residential construction project. So, why not leave the red tape to 9M Construction?

The planning, constructing and eventual occupation of any commercial or residential construction project is exciting. The accompanying paperwork, red tape and minefield of regulatory detail, isn’t.

You could of course attempt to undertake this all yourself, but in doing so, mistakes can be made and an inordinate amount of time spent on something that is best left to the experts.

9m work closely with Avenue Architectural Design Ltd, Old Church Chambers, 23-24 Sandhills Road, St James, Northampton NN5 5LH


The 9M Construction planning team will take on the paperwork relating to your project, act as a go-between with the authorities and manage any resulting appeal process.

We will always provide an honest assessment on a project’s chances of succeeding planning permission before committing the paperwork. Although the answer is sometimes not what you want to hear, it will at least save you time and money.

Planning Appeals


Not every planning application is successful. If there are any appeals, our team has the necessary experience to manage the process towards a potential positive outcome.

We can’t always guarantee successful appeals, but you’ll absolutely have the right partner during this tricky planning phase if you choose 9M Construction.

Town & Country Planning Consultancy Northamptonshire

At the heart of all development and construction in the UK is the Town & Country Planning Act. Most developments cannot take place until it has been confirmed that they comply with current planning legislation.

Unfortunately, the implications of submitting an incorrect plan can be complex and often result in the cancellation of building projects. That’s why a guiding hand is essential during this unavoidable step.

At 9M Construction, we can offer full advice on town and country planning before you waste time, money and resource in any construction project.

The larger the project, the more tricky it can be to comply, and we’ve helped countless enterprises and organisations achieve the correct legislative compliance for their construction plans.

Feasibility studies


There’s nothing worse than heading into a large construction project – be it residential or commercial – only to find that elements of the plan are unfeasible.

9M Construction’s wealth of experience means our in-house team is able to carry out full feasibility studies of your project as a whole. We can spot weaknesses, gaps in compliance and areas which require a re-think.

Don’t leave anything to chance. We want to ensure every penny you invest goes towards a completed build.

Why choose 9M Construction?

The in-house 9M Construction team benefits from on-going training and only the best tools to ensure our clients get the best help and advice on legislative matters during their construction project.

Contact us today to find out how we can take the often arduous and frustrating element of paperwork off your hands. Our team will be on hand to guide you through the red tape and ensure your construction project complies with all relevant law and legislation.